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Colorado Mesa University has consolidated all services related to viewing and paying your student, faculty, or staff bill into one convenient website: ePay. ePay is a secure, online portal where you can view your account activity, make payments, and set up payment plans.

It's Secure - Pay online knowing your information is secured using industry standard protection.

It's Convenient - ePay gives you and your parents 24/7 access to view and pay your bill.

It's Fast - Scrambling to meet payment deadlines is a thing of the past. Payments made through our ePay system will update your student account in real-time.

 Access ePay

Student Authorized User Faculty and Staff

Billing and Payment Updates

Save Time, Pay Bills Online!

View Account Activity - View your recent account activity, including all charges and payments.

Web Check - Pay immediately by having your payment transferred from your checking or savings account. Or, schedule future payments. Web Check Payments are free; there is no service charge for this type of payment (U.S. Accounts Only).

Credit Card - Make a payment on-line with your Visa, Master Card, Discover, or American Express credit card. There is a 2.95% (Non-refundable) PayPath Processing Service Fee, a third party credit card service, for credit/debit card payments.
Credit/Debit Card examples: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover Network

Electronic Refunds - Don't wait for a refund check to arrive in the mail. Sign up for electronic refunds to have your refund deposited directly into your checking or savings account. Click "eRefunds" and set up an account. Find more information on refunds at: